Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Hill from Hell

First of all, I am trying to respond to Sandy and Br. Bob who have posted on this blog, but I need to get a lesson from my blog teacher, because my response is not going anywhere. So, I'll be in touch soon, my friends.

Secondly, I had this most wonderful women's retreat this weekend with MNM Board member, Mary Painter-Romanello, Committee member, Lisa Gardner, and the wonderful women of Cheviot United Methodist Church. The presenter, Agnes Spurlock, talked about living with balance...perfect for my newest endeavor! I am renewed and refreshed and very grateful for this gift.

So, today, I included a nice long walk on the grounds of the retreat center. I walked for an hour total, with one break by the creek to write in my journal. Apparently, I lost track of the afternoon program and was AWOL. So, my friend, Lisa, hopped in her car to come look for me, fearful that I dropped somewhere along the way because, although I am on the road to good health, I am currently fat and out of shape.

She found  me at the bottom of this hill pondering the oxymoron of a hill from hell being in such a sacred place.  Possibly more accurate might be that I was pondering if my fat and out of shape self could ever get up it  and back to the retreat group. Lisa saved me with a pickup in her van, but wanted to be sure I told the truth about hitching a ride. OK...I caved.  Geeze... it was at least 5 miles long...maybe 10. :)

Today's lesson...Be still and know I am God.

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