Sunday, May 1, 2011

Team MNM is awesome! Everyone completed their Pig race on Saturday or Sunday with "flying" colors and helped us raise $23,000 and counting.  Saturday was PERFECT for flying around the city. The Sunday marathoners started out in rain with a bit of thunder, but were not deterred one bit from racing to the finish swine. So, dear Pig Partners, all that training was worth it, yes? Now, the real challenge will be to continue making the healthy choices for good nutrition and regualr exercise without the Pig to motivate us. I hope and pray we each will be able to report back that we are still "flying".

Be sure to check out all of Team MNM photos on Facebook on Monday. But, in the meantime, I want to share this great photo and story that captures so well the spirit here at MNM.

Donna and Ericka sporting their medals.

The Touch of Mercy….

The staff members of Mercy Neighborhood Ministries provide compassionate service to their clients, students and visitors seeking assistance at the door everyday. Sometimes, this Mercy spirit is also shared in a special way with one another. This is one such story.

Donna Miller and Ericka Brooks are home care aides with MNM. Every week, they bring home care services and companionship to their elderly clients to make life easier and less lonely.  Sometimes, Donna’s arthritic knees hurt as much as those of the seniors she helps. Despite her pain, she keeps on working because she knows how important her assistance and presence are to her vulnerable clients.  Ericka juggles caring for her elderly clients with family and grandchildren.  Sometimes it feels overwhelming and she grows weary.

 Both choose each year to be part of Team MNM in the 10K race of the Flying Pig to raise funds for the ministry.  Donna is confident she can walk the 6.2 miles, but she needs to take it slow because of her knees.  Ericka has the ability to cross the finish line with an impressive time, maybe even winning her age category of walkers.  But, she admires Donna’s courage and commitment and chooses, instead, to be her walking companion to assure Donna does not finish the race alone. It usually takes them over two hours to finish.

This year the two friends once again walked and walked and proudly crossed the “Finish Swine” together in under two hours, their best time ever!  Congratulations, Donna and Ericka! You are our winners!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

OK, all you 25 Team MNM members. This is it! Last week for training and the final countdown to THE PIG weekend!  I did  6 miles over the weekend at a 15 minute mile, so I am happy. Of course, I was not talking, so when I add that (which I will do Saturday), I will be slower.  You know, I find I am less winded coming up the steps here at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries since I started this training. A few pounds less on the scale, too. So, it really has helped me move back toward a healthier lifestyle, which was my goal. I have more work to do, but it feels good to finally be moving in the right direction.  The weather looks good for Saturday and a bit questionable for Sunday morning, but a little rain has never dampened the enthusiasm of true Piggers.

So, let's fly! Go Team MNM!

Friday, April 22, 2011

OK...this is a true confession prompted by a message from Sandy. I fell off the training wagon this week and have taken a few steps back, I fear.

Work has been nothing short of wild and crazy and it seriously impacted my exercise schedule. This is not good, since the Pig is only 8 days away. Adding to my declining situation is the emerging abundance of chocolate bunnies that are seducing me into a sugar frenzy. Gosh, is it redeemable???

YES! Of course. Each day is a new opporutnity to say 'no' to bunnies and 'yes' to finding time for exercise. I have made a plan to go to the gym on Saturday and get in a good hour of elliptical training (I don't walk in the rain).  I do hope the rest of you Team MNM members have been more faithful to your training.  And, I hope you have a beautiful and blessed Easter weekend.


Monday, April 18, 2011

Yes, it's that time bump up your walking minutes to stay on track with your training:
45 minutes each for 4 days and one 90 minute walk for 10K
30 minutes each for 4 days and one 60 minute walk for 5K
It's only 13 days until race day!

Just remember: 

You can't look like this.....

Unless you are willing to do this
(OK, maybe that's  a stretch, but exercise all the same!)
Go Team MNM....Theresa, Sheila, Donna, Debra, Denise, Br. Bill, Michelle, Sandy, Larry, Mari Beth, Sue C.,  Nick, Susan, Monica, Michelle, Chavon, Katie, and Sue P.  Sr. Louise, Kathy D., Sr. Sally and Br. Bob are virtual racers racking up the training miles but unable to join that day.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I have a one hour walk under my belt today, which is on target for the 10K training schedule.  I am feeling more confident that I will make it for the 6.2 miles on Pig Day, but not at a 15 minute mile pace. I was walking with a friend and found myself  getting winded walking and talking.

I have been training alone, so I guess it was easier to pick up my pace while on mute!  Hope you all are getting out there and walking 4-5 times each week. We are down to two weeks before race day...yikes!

Happy Sabbath!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hey ya' all...I am back from my business trip to Charlotte (where they talk like that!). I am proud to report that I got up at 6:00 both days and worked out in the fitness room for 60 and 45 minutes respectively.  I passed up the cake and donuts both days. But, true confessions... I did sit at the bar Tuesday night with my friends for three hours, so...yes...I lost some ground drinking wine and eating those little snicky snacky thingies they serve up there. But, I would have done that anyway even if I had eaten the donuts and cake, so I fugure I am still ahead.

Picked him up at the bar...cute, huh? 
See what a little exercise can do for you, Debra??
(Just kidding).

OK, so where are we, Pig People?  Are we getting close to being ready for the race weekend which is just a mere 16 days away?  Yikes! I am heading out Saturday with my shot-from-the-cannon friend, Sue Coburn, for a 3-4 mile walk. That will give me some idea of how close I am to P-day readiness. Oh...and if you are looking for a trial walk, Bethany House Services is having their first 5K event this Saturday at 6:00 P.M. followed by a party. For more details, go to their web site

Fitness tip
Shoes: Your walking shoes should not be too snug, a tight shoe will contribute to blisters. But they also have to fit well or a too-loose fit can also contribute to blister formation. To choose shoes of the right size, go shoe shopping right after a long walk when your feet are swollen to their largest. When standing in the new shoe, there should be 1/2 inch from the big toe to the end of the toe box and you should be able to wiggle all of your toes comfortably. Then test drive your shoes in the store, going at your fastest pace (don't worry about looking silly, your comfort depends on this!) Your shoes should not slip when you walk in them.

Socks: Experiment with socks, try different brands. Be sure to launder the socks at least once before wearing them to wash out the sizing. Podiatrists recommend not using cotton socks as they retain moisture, which then softens the skin, weakening it and making it easier to tear and form blisters. Instead, CoolMax fabric wicks away the moisture so it is not on the skin to weaken it. Look for socks with modern synthetic fabrics formulated for walking and running. Many recommend two layers of socks - a thin inner pair of wicking fabric such as polypropylene or CoolMax, and a padded outer pair. Tube socks should be avoided since they do not fit well over the heel and ankle. Change socks during the walk, especially if they get sweaty. Some marathoners also change shoes during the event.
Blistered FeetDon't end up like this. (P.S.  These are not my feet !)

Wisdom Words
One step at a time is good walking. ~   Chinese Proverb
Go walk, my friends. It is good for our bodies and our souls.

Monday, April 11, 2011

OK, all you Team MNM members. I am leaving town for a business meeting and will not be blogging until Thursday. I WILL be staying true to my exercise program and counting on you to dom so as well. 10K trainees...up your 4 day time to 45 minutes and 1 day 60 minute walk this week. 5K trainees, increase your 4 day time to 25 minutes with one 40 minute walk.  I am late for  the airport, so no graphics or wisdom words or training tips today. Boring!

PS Be sure to report your mileage to me so I can put the funds in your Piggy Bank for last week.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

OK, Sandy - you challenged me to pick up my pace today with your 14.5 minute mile walking pace. I did 3 miles today, but could only do one at a 15 minute mile pace and I was huffing and puffing at that!  I guess the good thing is that I am committed to exercising regularly and the rest will take care of itself.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm getting healthy
How about you?

Flying Pig or bust
Please join Team MNM

Happy Sabbath everyone!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Team MNM has grown again. We picked up Sr. Louise, Sr. Sally, Br. Bob and Br. Bill.  OK all you "non-religious"...what's up???  We need to get you from this this

I am finding the more I exercise, the more I exercise. It's mostly about getting started. So, let's get started. Even if you can't walk with us in the Flying Pig races, you can be part of Team MNM by walking now and "billing" me for your mileage toward a sponsorship to Team MNM. Remember to report your mileage to me and I will contribute $.50 for every mile you log walking, running, or converting another exercise using the chart below (Day 1 of the blog) will go into your person "Piggy Bank".  If you raise money for Team MNM while you are at it, I will add another $.25.   Sr. Louise logged 8 miles so far this week and has earned $4.00 already. Way to go, Sr. Louise!

Training Tip
Start out at a slow, easy pace for each walking session.
Allow your muscles to warm up before you stretch, add speed or hills.
Warm up for 5 minutes at this easy pace. Avoid injuries by learning these stretches and complete them before and after you walk. (click on this and then on the blue link)

Wisdom Words
The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose. ~  Charles Dickens
See you a few miles from now,

Are we having fun yet?

Thanks for the great opportunity to be challenged...! My goal is to get to the daily 10,000 steps. We'll see how this goes. :-)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lots of good news today. I am in for a 3 mile walk and a 40 minute bike "ride" in the last 24 hours. 

Denise Taylor, Debra Love and Kathy Durkee have joined me in!  My friend Sandy told me I should stop feeling guilty about things and enjoy life more (does that mean it's OK to eat cake???)! And, my friend Mary Schweitzer sent in a donation for blister pads for me....ha, ha!  My Mom gave me neat walking socks that are supposed to prevent blisters for my birthday, so no go, sweet Mary!

Come on, you MNM team members! Let's get this group growing!!! Do not let this be your motto:  
"Whenever I feel like exercise, I lie down until the feeling passes."   Robert Hutchins


Monday, April 4, 2011

This morning, I did not feel like exercising, so I did not. How's that for discipline???  Now, I just finished eating a delicious piece of cake to celebrate Br. Bob's 70th BD (Happy Birthday, Br. Bob... you don't look a day past 50!) and in good Catholic fashion, I am feeling guilty about both.  I would get up and go for a walk right now, but it is about to storm...really. I think I can still salvage this by making a commitment to go to the gym tonight. I will. I must. I want to be healthy.

Exercise or bust!

This is the second week of training, so 10K trainers, we need to increase our walking to 35 minutes for four days and 45 minutes  the fifth day.   You 5K trainers, increase your walking to 20 minutes for four days and 30 minutes on the fifth day. Go Team MNM!

Training Tip
Avoid overstriding - taking longer steps to increase speed. This is potentially harmful and is inefficient.
Take more, smaller steps rather than lengthening your stride.
Your stride should be longer behind your body, where your toe is pushing off, rather than out in front of your body.
Your forward leg has no power, while your back leg is what is driving you forward. Getting the full power out of the push from the back leg as it rolls from heel to toe is the key to powerful, efficient walking.
Fast walkers train themselves to increase the number of steps they take per second and to get full use out of the back part of the stride.

"God, inspire me to stick with my exercise routine, that I may be healthier and happier, as I’ve promised to myself and to You. Amen.”   Melissa Roberts


Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Hill from Hell

First of all, I am trying to respond to Sandy and Br. Bob who have posted on this blog, but I need to get a lesson from my blog teacher, because my response is not going anywhere. So, I'll be in touch soon, my friends.

Secondly, I had this most wonderful women's retreat this weekend with MNM Board member, Mary Painter-Romanello, Committee member, Lisa Gardner, and the wonderful women of Cheviot United Methodist Church. The presenter, Agnes Spurlock, talked about living with balance...perfect for my newest endeavor! I am renewed and refreshed and very grateful for this gift.

So, today, I included a nice long walk on the grounds of the retreat center. I walked for an hour total, with one break by the creek to write in my journal. Apparently, I lost track of the afternoon program and was AWOL. So, my friend, Lisa, hopped in her car to come look for me, fearful that I dropped somewhere along the way because, although I am on the road to good health, I am currently fat and out of shape.

She found  me at the bottom of this hill pondering the oxymoron of a hill from hell being in such a sacred place.  Possibly more accurate might be that I was pondering if my fat and out of shape self could ever get up it  and back to the retreat group. Lisa saved me with a pickup in her van, but wanted to be sure I told the truth about hitching a ride. OK...I caved.  Geeze... it was at least 5 miles long...maybe 10. :)

Today's lesson...Be still and know I am God.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I have several friends who do not believe I will keep up this blog. I think that alone will encourage me. I love a good  challenge!
The arthritis in my right knee is aggravated by the increased exercise. I guess it got used to the inactivity. So, I rode the stationary bike this morning for 40 minutes and iced afterwards. If you are doing the exercise challenge for my sponsorship support, remember that you can do exercises other than walking and use the conversion chart for your "Piggy Bank" investment. So far it appears I will be thonly one with cash in my bank, as I have not heard from anyone that they have accepted the challenge. Hmmm.

Training Tip
Arm motion can lend power to your walking, burning 5-10% more calories and acting as a balance to your leg motion.
  • Bend your elbow 90 degrees.
  • Hands should be loose in a partially closed curl, never clenched.
  • Clenching your fists can raise your blood pressure and should be avoided.
  • With each step, the arm opposite your forward foot comes straight forward, not diagonally.
  • As the foot goes back, the opposite arm comes straight back.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body - don't "chicken wing."
  • Your forward hand should not cross the center point of your body.
  • Your hand when coming forward should be kept low, not higher than your breastbone.
  • Many poor examples of arm motion are seen with walkers pumping their arms up high in the air, this does not help propel you.
  • If at first you find adding arm motion tiring, do it for 5 to 10 minutes at a time and then let your arms rest.
Wisdom Words
" Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."  Proverbs

Have a a great weekend, but don't lose your momentum!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I plan to go to dinner with my housemate and dear friend, Sr. Mary, and then for a walk tonight. This is a good plan and much healthier than working until 9:00 P.M. ,eating dinner at 9:30 and then going to bed at midnight.   There is hope for me!  Sue Coburn had agreed to walk the 10K with me in the Pig, but she walks like she was shot out of a cannon and I will not be able to keep up. If she has to slow down for me I will be mortified. Well, maybe that will be a good incentive to pass up the cake and candy or stay with the training program over the next 4.5 weeks.  
This is Sue C. (middle) I may hate her.

This is me.

Training Tip
How you hold your body is important to walking comfortably and easily. With good posture, you will be able to breathe easier and you will avoid back pain.
  • Stand up straight.
  • Think of being a tall and straight. Do not arch your back.
  • Do not lean forward or lean back. Leaning puts strain on the back muscles.
  • Eyes forward, not looking down, rather 20 feet ahead.
  • Chin up (parallel to the ground). This reduces strain on neck and back.
  • Shrug once and let your shoulders fall and relax, your shoulders slightly back.
  • Suck in your stomach.
  • Tuck in your behind and rotate your hip forward slightly. This will keep you from arching your back.
Wisdom Words
"To keep the body in good health is a duty...otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."   (I think there is a correlation between "senior moments" and exercise...less of the former with more of the latter!)

Blessings on our decision to live a healthier lifestyle!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 1 comes the hard make time to exercise daily.

I walked 2 miles this morning. I could have walked more (that's good), but ran out of time, as I had an early morning meeting. I believe this will be the biggest challenge for me, and maybe for you as well...making the time to exercise. Trainers suggest that we schedule this just like any other meeting and then treat it as such. I am pretty good about keeping my commitments to someone for a meeting. However, I am very bad at doing the same with myself. So, this is definitely a habit I need to acquire. That being said, I have now scheduled a 30 minute walk for Thursday morning at 7:00 A.M. Let's see if I keep it!

Two things that I pass on from my learnings from true athletes:
  •  Don't forget to stretch first before taking off on your walk or run;
  •  Stay hydrated. It's easy to forget to drink until you feel thirsty and then you are already behind the eightball.
Finally, here is a reminder of why it is part of our spiritual path to be sure we take good care of our boides.
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have received from God. So use any part of your body to give glory back to God." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
Let us show God our deepest gratitude for this precious gift by taking good care.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pig Ponderings is Launched

First of all, I cannot believe I am doing this. Anyone who knows me well will be shocked that I have overcome my resistance to engaging in social networking. Another example of the good advice to "never say never"!

This "blog" is meant to serve as a report on my now public statement that I am going to begin to exercise regularly as part of choosing to forego my unhealthy lifestyle for a healthier one, and to invite my team members at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries and other family members and friends to join me in getting ready to walk in the 5K or 10K race of the Flying Pig in just 5 weeks.  I am new at this blogging thing, so I hope I get it straight such that when you check in here there is something to read! 

Now, here's some extra fun...I am issuing a challenge to all you readers to encourage you to join me. 
If you report your training mileage on this blog (or, for my MNM staff, to me in person), I will pledge to contribute $.50 for each mile you walk or run, or convert from another type of exercise (see chart below) during these five weeks. You can use it to pay for your registration fee for one of the Pig Races or as a sponsorship for Team MNM. Since this is a fundraiser, I hope you will invite your family and friends to support you in your efforts to get healthy and raise funds for MNM.  So, to encourage that, I will add another $.25 to each dollar you raise for Team MNM.  Now that is putting my money where my mouth is....the first step toward a healthier diet!

Today, March 29, is day 1of a five week training schedule (well, we are one day behind already...yikes!). I am listing this for others who choose to join me, or do your own thing. Either way, let's just get going!

10 K Race Training Schedule.
Week 1 (March 28- April 2)  
      Daily walk 30 minutes for 5 days to build a habit.
Week 2  (April 3- April 9)
      Add 5 mins./day for 4 days of walking. On 5th mileage building day, walk 45 minutes.
Week 3 (April 10-April 16)
     Add 5 mins/day for 4 walking days. On 5th mileage building day, walk 60minutes.
Week 4 (April 17-April 23)
     Add 5 mins/day for 4 walking days. On 5th mileage building day,walk 90 minutes.
Week 5 (April 24-April 30th Race Day!)
    Walk 45 mins./day for 4 walk days. On 5th day - Race Day - walk 6.2 miles

5K Race Training Schedule
Week 1 (March 28- April 2)  
      Daily walk 15 minutes for 5 days to build a habit.
Week 2  (April 3- April 9)
      Add 5 mins./day for 4 days of walking. On 5th mileage building day, walk 30 minutes.
Week 3 (April 10-April 16)
     Add 5 mins/day for 4 walking days. On 5th mileage building day walk 45minutes.
Week 4 (April 17-April 23)
     Add 5 mins/day for 4 walking days. On 5th mileage building day, walk 60 minutes.
Week 5 (April 24-April 30th Race Day!)
    Walk 30mins./day for 4 walk days. On 5th day - Race Day - walk 3.1 miles

Last, but not least, here is a conversion chart for exercises other than walking for the challenge above.
One mile equals:
10 minutes high impact aerobics
15 minutes low impact aerobics
15 minutes stationary biking
15 minutes elliptical machine
15 minutes swimming (leisurely)
12 minutes swimming (moderately)
17 minutes water aerobics

"Talk" to you soon.